Year: 2016
Techniques: CNC milling – Direct UV printing, digital photography.
Materials: plexiglass
Absorption is a transparent plexiglass disc collar with a diameter of 36cm. The image printed on it is a digital shot, part of a sequence of 144 images, made in 2016. The work figuratively represents the absorption of the movement of the calm waters of the lake, the movement towards another body following prolonged visual contact. A performance was produced to accompany the work. When wearing the plexiglass collar disc, the performer was asked to interpret the sensation of absorption resulting from the prolonged display of graphic images representing the calm motion of the lake waters. A timelapse made with the sequence of 144 graphic images of water was projected onto the performer. The editing of the stop-motion video was processed in incoming and outgoing following the steps of the Fibonacci sequence up to number 144. The same procedure was used for the timelapse.
Photo and video editing: Carlo Terenzi
Model: Adele Buondonno