The flavors of the signs

The Flavors of the Signs
Great Masters and Young Excellences
of International Contemporary Engraving
Great Masters and Young Excellences
of International Contemporary Engraving
from the "M2M" and "Stamperia del Tevere" archives
On the occasion of the "Gustatus 2022" event, in the Polveriera Guzman hall in Orbetello from 28 October to 7 January, the engraved sign will be the main dish. Over 60 works by some of the most representative interpreters of international artistic engraving, about 30 historicized works by great Italian masters, some unpublished "bon a tirer" from the archives of Stamperia del Tevere and the M2M Stamperia, will be flanked by works of international excellence from from over 20 countries in America, Europe and Asia. The international nature and the high quality level of the papers on display aim to enhance the "taste" of a traditional discipline which has characterized the Italian and international graphic creations of the last fifty years.
curated by Filippo Muneghina, Marco Montalti, Asia Sforza
event promoted by the Municipality of Orbetello
organization: Cult.le Spectre
in collaboration with: KAUS - Urbino / Co.P.Res.Centre - USA / Atelier Empreinte - Luxemburg / Il Salice Edizioni - Locarno / Laborintus - Corviale
organization: Cult.le Spectre
in collaboration with: KAUS - Urbino / Co.P.Res.Centre - USA / Atelier Empreinte - Luxemburg / Il Salice Edizioni - Locarno / Laborintus - Corviale
event promoted on the occasion of the GUSTATUS 2022 event
They exhibit:
Moussa Aziz Abdayem - Ciro Agostini - Bruno Aller - Carlo Ambrosoli - Maddalena Artusi - Maryam Bakhtiari - Francesca Bellussi - Giampaolo Berto - Nunzio Bibbò - Marina Bindella - Luigi Boille - Remo Brindisi - Giuseppe Buffoli - Claudia Canavesi - Sara Cancellieri - Angelo Canevari - Daniela Cataldi - Guillaume Cornelis - Renato Guttuso - Elisabetta Diamanti - Patrizio Di Sciullo - Grant Ditzler - Pericle Fazzini - Alessandro Fornaci - Giancarla Frare - Andrzej Fydrych - Renato Guttuso - Alicja Habisiak - Kamila Kościańska - Carlo Lorenzetti - Giovanna Martinelli - Barbara Martini - André Masson - Simona Materi - Sebastian Matta - Elena Molena - Sante Monachesi - Luigi Montanarini - Manlio Monti - Riccardo Murelli - Catherine - Nelson - Achille Pace - Laura Peres - Giovanni Piccini - Adriano Pompa - Gaetano Pompa - Salvatore Provino - Raffaella Ravelli - Pino Reggiani - Egidijus Rudinskas - Usama Saad - Nini Santoro - Sybilla Skaluba - Gino Severini - Sandro Trotti - Valeriano Trubbiani - Takis Tsentemaidis - CY Twombly - Noriko Uriu - Dariusz Vasina - Carlo Venturi - Vinita Voogd - Giulia Zingali.
Moussa Aziz Abdayem - Ciro Agostini - Bruno Aller - Carlo Ambrosoli - Maddalena Artusi - Maryam Bakhtiari - Francesca Bellussi - Giampaolo Berto - Nunzio Bibbò - Marina Bindella - Luigi Boille - Remo Brindisi - Giuseppe Buffoli - Claudia Canavesi - Sara Cancellieri - Angelo Canevari - Daniela Cataldi - Guillaume Cornelis - Renato Guttuso - Elisabetta Diamanti - Patrizio Di Sciullo - Grant Ditzler - Pericle Fazzini - Alessandro Fornaci - Giancarla Frare - Andrzej Fydrych - Renato Guttuso - Alicja Habisiak - Kamila Kościańska - Carlo Lorenzetti - Giovanna Martinelli - Barbara Martini - André Masson - Simona Materi - Sebastian Matta - Elena Molena - Sante Monachesi - Luigi Montanarini - Manlio Monti - Riccardo Murelli - Catherine - Nelson - Achille Pace - Laura Peres - Giovanni Piccini - Adriano Pompa - Gaetano Pompa - Salvatore Provino - Raffaella Ravelli - Pino Reggiani - Egidijus Rudinskas - Usama Saad - Nini Santoro - Sybilla Skaluba - Gino Severini - Sandro Trotti - Valeriano Trubbiani - Takis Tsentemaidis - CY Twombly - Noriko Uriu - Dariusz Vasina - Carlo Venturi - Vinita Voogd - Giulia Zingali.